- 1. Additional Listing Announcement / Subdivision of Shares
- 2. Annual Audited Account
- 3. Annual Report
- 4. Change of Corporate Information
- 5. Changes in Shareholdings
- 6. Circular/Notice to Shareholders
- 7. Delisting of Securities (not applicable)
- 8. Entitlements
- 9. Expiry / Maturity / Termination of Securities (not applicable)
- 10. Financial Results
- 11. General Announcement
- 12. General Meetings
- 13. Important Relevant Dates for Renounceable Rights (not applicable)
- 14. Listing Circulars
- 15. Listing Information and Profile (not applicable)
- 16. Investor Alert (not applicable)
- 17. Reply to Query
- 18. Shares Buy Back
- 19. Take-over Offer (not applicable)
- 20. Transfer of Listing (not applicable)
- 21. Unusual Market Activity (not applicable)
- 22. Dealing in Listed Securities (Chapter 14 of Listing Requirements) (not applicable)
- 23. Disclosure On Quarterly Production (not applicable)